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R&S®SFC Compact Modulator

Test signals for TV and audio broadcasting – handy and economical
The R&S®SFC compact modulator is an economical multistandard signal source. It supports realtime coding for all conventional digital and analog TV and audio broadcasting standards. The R&S®SFC is equipped with a built-in computer, making it ideal for standalone operation and for integration into a signal generation system with multiple generators.

Key facts

  • High precision modulator with MER > 40 dB

  • VHF and UHF frequency range, optionally up to 3 GHz

  • Level range from 0 dBm to –31.5 dBm, optionally to –110 dBm

  • Terrestrial TV standards: DVB-T2, DVB-T, DVB-H, DTMB, CMMB, T-DMB, ISDB-T, ISDB-TB, ATSC/8VSB, ATSC-M/H

  • Cable TV standards: DVB-C2, DVB-C, J.83/B, ISDB-C

  • Satellite TV standards: DVB-S2, DVB-S, DIRECTV

  • Analog TV standards: B/G, D/K, I, M/N, L

  • Audio broadcasting standards: DAB, DAB+, ISDB-TSB, AM/FM/RDS

  • Integrated transport stream player and analog audio/video generator

  • Transport stream libraries and test pattern libraries supported

  • Integrated AWGN generator

  • ASI transport stream input

  • Digital I/Q input to connect to other Rohde & Schwarz broadcast signal generators

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