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Precision Tone Decoder

General Description

Detects the presence of a single tone at a specified centre frequency. Features 16-bit data samples, programmable tone frequency, adjustable detection bandwidth and a high performance Digital Down Converter. Ideal as a building block in FSK / OOK / ASK demodulators.

Key Design Features

– 16-bit signed input and output data samples
– Samples may be either complex or real
– Includes our precision 16-bit DDS component
– Narrow or wide detection bandwidths
– Programmable tone centre frequency
– Choice of low pass filter responses
– Simple connectivity to an external ADC
– Typical FPGA and SoC sample rates of 200 MHz+


– Touch tone decoding (e.g DTMF tones)
– Precision frequency monitoring and control
– Complex Digital Down Conversion
– Security systems and remote control units
– FSK / OOK / ASK demodulation

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