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Pascal’s apparatus Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment

AZM8207 Pascal’s apparatus Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment for college, university, vocational training centers.

AZM8207 Pascal’s apparatus Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment Teaching Equipment


  • This apparatus, designed to demonstrate Pascal’s principle, consists of a machined body incorporating a horizontal flexible diaphragm to which one of three alternative glass vessels can be fitted.
  • The diameter at the base of each vessel is common but the shape of each vessel varies; one parallel sided, one conical and one tapering inwards.
  • The diaphragm, located at the base of the vessel, conveys the force from the water inside the vessel to a lever arm with a sliding counterweight.

Technical details:

Overall dimensions:

Height: 500mm

Width: 300mm

Depth: 156mm

Parallel vessel: 26mm inside diameter

Conical vessel: 26mm to 101mm inside diameter at top

Tapered vessel 26mm to 9mm inside diameter at top

Diameter at diaphragm: 56mm

Maximum depth of water: 228mm (to top of vessels)

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