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Manchester Encoder/Decoder

General Description

Manchester bit-encoder/decoder pair. Ideal for the transmission of serial data at up to 20 Mbps on low-cost FPGAs and SoCs. DC-balanced encoding scheme suitable for single-ended or differential transmission lines with AC-coupling. Features internal FIR pulse-shaping filters for optimum noise immunity.

Key Design Features

– Separate Encoder/Decoder pair
– DC-balanced encoding suitable for AC-coupling
– Ideal for twisted pair or coaxial transmission lines
– Internal gaussian pulse-shaping filters for optimum SNR
– Standard bitrate settings of 5, 10, 15 or 20 Mbps (low-cost FPGAs)
– Optional support for bit rates of 50+ Mbps on higher-end FPGAs
– Simple implementation
– Very low resource use
– Portable design


– Applications requiring low-to-medium serial bandwidth
– Industrial/Scientific/Medical/Automotive control systems
– Implementation of robust serial links on low cost devices
e.g. RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, etc.

View datasheet

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